XPAND Code is sometimes taken to mean that it aims to replace the QR code, but this is a misunderstanding.
The role of the XPAND Code is to fill in the gaps that QR (even the horizontal rMQR) cannot cover, where large objects or design quality is required.
QR for near and small objects, XPAND for far and large objects are our recommendation.

We recommend using XPAND Code and QR code together, and XPAND Code Reader can read both types.
In many cases, it seems to work out well if you use XPAND Code for more than 200 to 300 mm wide items, and a QR code for less than 200 to 300 mm wide.
The free version of XPAND Code, Gratis, is sometimes taken to mean that it cannot be used for commercial purposes, but this is also a misunderstanding.
Unlike QR code, XPAND Code is centrally managed by us.
For this reason, we will always disable links to illegal or suspicious websites and other socially undesirable material.
However, as the product is originally intended to be used widely, whether in paid or free versions, it can also be used for commercial purposes.
After the XPAND Code has been scanned, the service (mobile website, app, etc.) can be shared with the QR Code.
Therefore, it is useful to use it to increase the ‘entry point’ options when there is a QR code-based service.

Simply enter the URL of the service into the XPAND Code Generator and it will be available.
You’ll be up and running in a minute!