The following text is a machine generated translation.
This is provided for the user's convenience, and the formal edition of these terms is the Japanese edition.
The terms of the formal edition will be applied to the legal relationship between the company and the user.
Please refer to the Japanese edition here.

Privacy Policy / Personal Information Protection

XPAND K.K. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") strives for appropriate handling of personal information and protection of privacy based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereinafter referred to as "the Law").
Personal information is information such as your name, age, telephone number, e-mail address, address, etc., and refers to information that can identify you personally by combining them.
We do not use personal information for any purpose other than the above without your consent, except when required by law.
In addition, we will strive to strictly handle information related to your privacy (hereinafter referred to as "Privacy Information"), regardless of whether or not it corresponds to personal information.

Purpose of use of personal information

  1. We will identify the purpose of use for customer's personal information and use it within the range necessary for its achievement except when it is stipulated by law. The purpose of use will be posted on the relevant page etc. as needed.
  2. Our company will stop using personal information for the purpose immediately if there is a request from the person to stop using personal information in sales promotion measures such as e-mail transmission.

Proper acquisition of personal information

We will acquire customer personal information by appropriate means to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Third-party provision of personal information

We will not provide your personal information to a third party without your consent, except as required by law and in the following cases.
  1. When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
  2. When there is business succession by merger, business transfer.
  3. When there is a demand for personal information provision by an administrative organization etc. and it is recognized that this is appropriate, and there is a risk of impeding the execution of the relevant office work by obtaining the consent of the person.

Safety control measures

We will take appropriate security control measures to prevent loss, falsification and leakage of personal information about customers. We use encrypted communication by SSL for sending personal information from the website.

About cookies and access logs

Some sites operated by our company may use cookies for the purpose of improving convenience and accumulating sales basic data. In addition, information about access source environment such as IP address is acquired by standard access log. Cookies, by their nature, can not acquire more than the information you read and entered on our site, and access logs do not contain personal information, so they generally do not infringe privacy, We will handle the information in accordance with the personal information.